Hope ya'll enjoy the eclipse (if you want to come by the farm we'll be having a relaxed viewing) and we'll see you next week!
TOMATOES: A couple of red slicers as well!
FENNEL: A nice big head of fennel. As they get bigger they do get a bit more tough so I would definitely recommend shaving if using raw, or roasting.
SQUASH: Some patty pan, zephyr, tromba and/or zucchini. Squash season is going to hit the end soon, can't believe it!
EGGPLANT or SHISHITOS: Farm gets eggplant this time around, everyone else gets shishito peppers. Shishitos are my favorite pepper and are the best lil appetizer (and not hot). Just throw them in a pan or on the grilll and cook them in olive oil until they are a little blistered/charred. Sprinkle with salt and pop in your mouth. The best!!
JALAPENO PEPPER: 2 peppers. Lots of heat (one of the many benefits to this warm summer), we are pretty stoked on these guys. If you don't like heat, you can always remove the seeds (where most of the capcasin is) or give to a friend.
JIMMY NARDELLO PEPPER: No heat! These Italian heirloom peppers have fantastic flavor, are so sweet and are great in all kinds of dishes both raw and cooked. They are soooooo good!
MINT: One of our favorite herbs here on the farm, we grow a lot of mint! Herbs are actually one of the harder things to source from farms (have you ever tried to find flowering dill in the grocery store) so we grow a lot of them so that we can try and supply our CSA and local stores/restaurants with as much as possible. We end up sending a ton of mint to places like Ava Gene's and Tusk.
YUKON GOLD NEW POTOATES: The skin on new potatoes is very fragile so we left the dirt on. Make sure you clean them! You could definitely make a yummy potato salad with the yukons, scallions, red onion, jalapenos, jimmy nardellos and garlic - even the squash and fennel could be included.
GREEN ONIONS: Nice bunch of scallions for use in most things, including potato salad recipe!
RED ONION: Because you can never have enough onion and these guys are so delicious.
GARLIC: 2 heads of chesnook red garlic. Beautiful purple/pink color variations and great taste. A bit spicy when raw–more mild when cooked!