SNAP PEAS: Do I need to say anything here? YUMM!!! Not a full pint but better some than none! I ate my pint so fast I didn't need anything with it.
FLASHY LIGHTENING LETTUCE: These butter oakleafs are so gorgeous. Can be combined with the red leaf to make a beautiful salad!
OSCARDE RED LEAF LETTUCE: Beautiful red oakleaf lettuce. Tender and sweet!
FRESH GARLIC: Bigger than green garlic but not dried like storage garlic. Fresh garlic can be used just like the scapes last week or garlic in general.
PURPLE RADISHES: A little bit of kick and some great color. These guys are much like their pink counterparts. Great in salad, on a crudité plate or served with tacos!
HAKUREI TURNIPS: One of the favorite of the turnips! This beautiful Japanese variety can be eaten raw, chopped up for a salad or roasted. All of the ways you cook a hakurei win in my book. You can also use the tender greens!
OREGANO: Another great dried herb for the kitchen. Can also be used fresh.
SUMMER SQUASH: First of the season from our hoops. Everyone got zucchini except for two special folks who received our Italian heirloom that can be prepared much like zucchini!