Thursday we finally got around to planting the leeks, about 1000 of them. Today I'm getting around to posting a little update on the fields. The fields look good. The weather has been much more conducive to growing than they have been for a few years. I'd say the one thing that concerns me right now is the acidity of the soil, which is stunting some of the vegetables. It's a bit hard to tell if it's the acidity, or the weather, or what, but we have had a few crop failures this spring, notably the early beets and spinach.
The good news is that we're basically caught up on planting and we're not too far behind on cultivating. We've been managing to get to hoeing quite consistently and last week two new Heron hoes showed up, which are great (if you're looking for one all around cultivating hoe check out the Herons).
I also managed to sneak into the wood shop this weekend and build more boxes to put CSA bags into. Summer starts in three weeks and with summer we'll start harvesting two days a week, which means we need more boxes and bags. Below there's a little photo gallery of many of the steps involved in building the boxes.
Josh Volk
Sideline Box Builder