Continuing on with explaining some of the varieties we're growing I thought I'd mention the cucumbers. We're growing two varieties this year: Lemon and Poona Kheera. The lemon cucs are a long time favorite of mine. They are small and round and pale green, turning to yellow as they mature. I like them much better before they get yellow so you may never see a yellow one in your share.
The Poona Kheeras are a new one for me. Like many variety names, this one is simply a place name, Poona, in western India, combined with the vegetable type, Kheera, which is what cucumbers are called in Poona. These are a similar color to the lemons but they are longer. They also ripen yellow and then they turn russeted brown at full maturity. The flavor changes from very mild to sweet with a little tartness as they mature.