Slowly working our way through the herb field sweet marjoram is this week's pick. Just a few sprigs to sweeten up dressings or an herb butter or whatever kind of dish. Marjoram is closely related to oregano and both dry and store well for later use if you're not inclined to use it right away.
Also in somewhat of an herb/vegetable crossover we have fennel this week, both the fronds and bulbs. Thinly sliced bulbs are great on salad, or chop and braise the bulb for a more sweet, less licorice flavor.
Summer squash is making its rounds. We don't have quite enough for everyone yet, but soon there should be plenty. There are four varieties that I hope everyone will get to try at some point. Two are zucchini types, one is a patty pan, and the fourth is a unique, trombone shaped beauty. Like everything a bit of olive oil and a sautée pan is my preferred way of preparing squash. These little guys are good any way you like them though.
We thinned the cippolini onions today. There's one in each share which can be used as a green onion.
Lettuce and the mustard called pink lettucey fill out the share, both prime ingredients in a little side salad.
I'm headed back out to the weeds for a short stint before riding into town with the shares this afternoon.