Hey folks! Today was a very exciting day for me, and the farm, because we were finally able to put the plastic onto the two new hoop houses!! We assembled a crack team of Our Table hoop house specialists from far and wide (whoever happened to be on the property today), and we actually ended up whipping through both houses in only an hour and a half! With this being my first hoop house experience I don't have anything to compare it to, but i think 45 minutes to skin a 100 foot hoop house is pretty dang good. So, a huge thanks goes out to all the players that made it happen: Eric, Eugenio, Anatolio, Matt, and Gianna, you all rock!! Because of our team effort, and with just a few days to let the soil dry out a bit, we'll be in there prepping beds and planting goodies in no time! So, without further ado, here is a succession of photos that show the general hoop house building process. There's definitely some steps missing (it's mostly us putting the plastic on), but I think you'll get the general idea. |