Friday Karen and I came out for an extra day of planting and managed to finish transplanting the lettuce and peppers and to direct seed parsnips, arugula, carrots, root parsley, as well as multiple varieties of dry beans and corn which are for a project that's tangential to the CSA. That tangential project is an experimental field of dry corn, dry beans and hard squash. A little more than half of that field was seeded two weeks ago just before it started raining and those seeds are just now germinating.
Multiple times during the planting I wished I had a camera to take a snap shot for the blog. Unfortunately my camera (aka phone) was being repaired, likely broken partly from the incredibly wet harvest day we had on Monday - which is what is pictured above. Actually that's probably a photo from two weeks ago, but who's counting. If you were ever wondering about how we pack all of those bags, 80 in all, this big crazy rack is the answer.