Besides harvest, today was a major planting day. Many of the fall and winter crops have already been planted but the next few weeks are when the majority of them get put into the ground. Lettuce, chicory, cabbage, broccoli, carrots and fennel were all planted this afternoon and the the water was promptly turned on to make them more comfortable.
Any spare moments these days are spent hacking back smart weed. It's quite bad in spots, but it could be worse. Today the chard was freed, as well as a bed of celeriac. Peppers, salsify and scorzonera are all waiting their turns. Like every farmer on a new piece of ground, I'm looking forward to taking advantage of some of the improvements we're making in the soil over the next few years. We're already seeing major weed reductions in areas where we've had successive crops. I expect to see that continue, and to also change as we slowly raise the pH and active microbiology levels in the soil.