Til' next time,
Hello everyone! Has it been a weird week for you all too? The weather has been throwing us off a bit lately and we would really like for it to make up its mind on what season it wants to be. Sheeting porch roofs in the rain is not particularly fun or good for the fancy stained plywood we're using, so the past few days have been full of tying up loose ends and watching the forecast to see if the rain would let up and let us get to the work we actually needed to be doing. But, luckily today was finally nice enough that we got to start sheeting the porches while the drywallers continued their work inside. Picture a nice and warm, breezy afternoon, sitting in a comfy chair looking out over a flower garden exploding with color while families mill around enjoying the beautiful spaces around you. Can you see it? I don't think that that vision is very far off thanks to all the hard work everyone has been putting in, and now that the porches are getting finished the viewing area will be waiting for you when that breezy summer afternoon arrives. Here (above) are some of those speedy drywallers doing their thing in the atrium. It's pretty hard to miss the grandeur of the timber frame when it's surrounded by the clean and smooth panels of gypsum board. And, you can also really see the fireplace now too (bottom left). By early next week all three rooms should be fully drywalled and our crew will be deep into putting up the metal siding while the drywall cures, and then onto laying floors. Exciting things ahead!! And I didn't want to leave you without sharing the top shot from Oscar's latest photo shoot. I swear his modeling careers is just about to take off, so enjoy these freebies while you can!
Til' next time, Louis Comments are closed.
March 2024
© Our Table Cooperative, 2016