Til' next time,
Hey there Thursdayers, did all of you CSA'ers out there enjoy your first share of spring? I've been getting to enjoy some of that raab they've been pulling off of the kale and broccoli, and boy is it good. Whether it's sauteed with butter and a little lemon (one of my favorites), just crunchy and raw, or prepared in any other myriad of ways, it certainly is a true treat of spring. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do. And, I don't know if you know this, but the CSA crew has recently gained two new members since I was leased to the framing crew and Forrest unfortunately had to leave. Their names are Jen and Dawn, and their fresh muscles and attitudes have quickly made them essential to the CSA operation. So, think of them the next time you're enjoying a sweet and crunchy raab and arugula salad. Thanks Dawn and Jen for picking up our slack! It was too beautiful today not to take a photo of the farm from up on the roof, and so I decided to make it a self portrait this time. Hello from the retail roof! So far this week Dylan and I have gotten all of the plywood up on the retail side of the roof and yesterday we started to do some of the finer finish work like attaching purlins and rafter tails (seen in the photo), and we even got a start on attaching the fascia. I've been spending a lot of time staining a lot of those elements that will still be visible once the building is done, and as they've been going up, it's like a transformation is taking place more so than anything we've done so far. It's really cool. Maybe it has to do with the beautiful walnut stain, but needless to say It's looking really great. Anyways, I'll let you get back out to enjoying the amazing weather, have a great weekend!
Til' next time, Louis Comments are closed.
March 2024
© Our Table Cooperative, 2016