Also known as "Lamb's Lettuce," mâche has been cultivated in France since the 17th century. This delicious, tiny, dark green plant with a sweet, nutty flavor is one of the most nutritious salad greens around! To truly appreciate this delicacy, many suggest to serve mâche the traditional European way: lightly dressed with a simple vinaigrette. The French also like to add chopped, hard-boiled eggs or sliced roasted beets. Mâche is good mixed with sharper-tasting greens like chicories. You can also braising it lightly as you would spinach.
We gave you two small chicories this week. Everyone got a little bit different mix but the varieties in rotation are Bellesque frisee, Cornet de Bordeaux escarole, Rossa di treviso Tardiva and Catalogna. Both the frisee and escarole you've seen before but the Tardiva and Catalogna are new additions. Tardiva, with burgundy leaves and white ribs, is great cooked or in a salad. Catalogna, also known as "Italian Dandelion," looks much like its name with dark green, long, leaves and is generally best cooked. Read more about the chicories here!
These roots are my absolute favorite. Related to carrots, parsnips are a bit sweet and have an almost spiced flavor, reminiscent of nutmeg and cinnamon. They are very versatile and can be roasted, steamed, boiled, grated and I'm sure the list goes on. I love to steam them and then make a mashed potato equivalent with them, yum! They are also great with just a bit of olive oil and herbs in a roasted dish.