The peppers are still green for the most part, and probably won't change color. They are sweet though so fry them up green as they are. Beets are more thinnings so they are on the smaller side but still very tasty. Apparently we didn't thin hard enough the first time so they are sizing slowly. This is a mix of the two varieties we are growing, kestrel and three root grex.
Sorrel is something we haven't had in the shares for a while. There's just a small handful of leaves and they are lemony, good to add in small amounts to a salad, or in larger quantities to soup or cream sauce.
It was cold this morning. Cold air blowing down from the north I'm guessing based on the tail wind that accompanied me on my ride out to the farm. That tail wind was a killer head wind on the way into town. Already running late I made things much worse by locking the delivery bike at my first drop and not realizing that I didn't have the key with me. I'm writing this as I wait for my hero to rescue me. I apologize for a few shares in St Johns and at Near East Yoga that will undoubtedly be a little late.
(update: as of 6:30pm all of the shares are where they should be)