In the share today is a small bunch of thyme, a bit of basil, romaine lettuce, summer squash of one sort or another, and a bit of chard. Cucumbers are slowly getting going so a few bags contain a cucumber as well.
Thyme is one of my favorite herbs. I frequently use it in soups, when cooking beans, tossed into vegetable sautées. Some of the stems are woody so the small leaves should be stripped from those. The more tender stems can be chopped with the leaves. When I cook beans with thyme I just toss in the whole stem and then fish it back out before eating.
The intention behind the CSA shares at Our Table is to keep them small. This summer some of the items are smaller than average, and we're missing a few items which have failed, but if you've done this before you'll recognize that it's all quite normal variation due to differences in growing conditions from year to year. This year is different than last and next will be different again. I'm sad to report that the fava beans completely failed this year, but the carrots are looking better than they have for a few years. No predictions though. Even I have little idea what exactly we'll be harvesting the next few weeks. One of the joys of farming is discovering what's ready each week, as it ripens.
Josh Volk
Head Harvest Prognosticator