We're done with the raab from the over wintered brassicas but this week we have a bit of spring raab in the share. It's basically a mild mustard with a delicious stem and little flower buds like tiny broccoli. It's a bit immature so there aren't so many buds, bud the real treat is the leaves an stems so we harvested anyway thinking it might not make it through this week's predicted heat. It can be eaten raw but it typically quickly cooked in hot olive oil and sprinkled with salt.
Lettuce is doing well and we have a red variety, finally, and also a green. Some of the red is a variety called Samantha and some is a similar variety called New Red Fire. The green varieties we've been harvesting are Royal Oak and Emerald Oak the later having broad leaves and the former having deeply cut leaves.
Green onions make an appearance this week. These are a delicious addition to salad or if you prefer to mask the onion flavor a bit they can be cooked. Of course the greens and whites are equally tasty.
To round out the shares we have a new round of the Pink Beauty radishes. As always the roots are the star but the greens are also good eating. I prefer to chop them and eat them cooked but I know some folks eat them raw in salads or on sandwiches.