Til' next time,
Hey hey readers, today is another day where I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking. All I really have to say is that we have been crushing it on the farm stand this week. All the roofs have been sheeted with plywood (and boy is there a lot more to sheeting a roof than just throwing plywood up there, let me tell you). Dylan and Oscar teamed up to cut and apply the actual plywood to the outside, while I drove a scissor lift around inside the atrium installing metal hardware and fitting ventilation blocking between the rafters. Isaac was busy being the go-to man, doing anything and everything else that needed to get done so he was all over the place. In the end (well, not really the end, there is still soo much to do) it all turned out great, and for some reason now the inside of the building feels even bigger to me. But, I'll let you be the judge of that, have a look... Being up in the scissor lift also gave me a great view of Karen's circle of flowers which lies directly behind the farm stand. Bulbs and things having been starting to come up for weeks now, but it's still too early for anything to be in bloom. It is going to look totally amazing when it all starts to pop. Karen has been working super hard on it and I can't wait to see it all pay off for her! Here it is... Beauty, ain't she. I hope you all enjoy a nice warm and sunny weekend!!
Til' next time, Louis Comments are closed.
March 2024
© Our Table Cooperative, 2016