Also, thank you so much Mini Share folks for your feedback! I have added a bi-weekly farm share to replace our mini share. The share size is still the larger $25/week with 8-10 items same except it’ll be delivered every other week so that it isn’t an inundation of produce for a total of 17 weeks (as opposed to 33). Hurray!
RUBY STREAKS MUSTARD: A lovely, deep red mustard bunch. Ruby streaks is one of our all-stars and sometimes I just want to stare at it. It is great raw (if you like the spice) or braised.
AMAROSA POTATOES: Pink skin, pink flesh. I promise we won't give you potatoes forever but here they are.
PARSLEY (Mini Only): Mini gets parsley this week! We planted these little guys way back before the snow even started. We have patiently watched them grow in one of our hoop houses and we finally have a full stand. Parsley is fantastic in so many ways – use it with meat, as a garnish, in a salad or even make a pesto. I love parsley with soups, pasta and eggs.
PURPLE SPROUTING BROCCOLI (Large Only): YEAYYYYY!!! IT IS HERE! PSB is a sure sign of spring here in the PNW. PSB is much like broccoli except it is purple and amazing and only pops-up after being overwintered. It is our treat for waiting out the yucky winter. Roast it, steam it, saute it, you name it. Or, like I often do, you'll eat it raw before you get to cooking it.
FRISEE (Large Only): Great for so many different types of salads! If the greens are too bitter for your palatte remember that you can always soak them in ice water for 30 mins to an hour and it will take the edge off! I love to make frisee and potato salad topped with a poached egg.
PINK BEAUTY RADISHES (Large Only): Such a beautiful pop of color! Radishes are great in salads, with hummus (ps. our chef Kerri makes bangin' hummus that is available in our online store), just alone or my favorite: toast, butter, radishes and salt. You can also use the greens (which is especially nice in these bleak, produce-starved times) for pesto, roasted like a braising green or even in soup. Here are some ideas for the greens!